About Me


Photo by Jen Harris / Front Page Photography / 2020

Hey, I’m Lisa and thank you so much for visiting my blog! This is my vegan food project and record of my recipes. Let me tell you a little about me…

I became vegan on New Year’s Day 2007 after years of being an on and off vegetarian. At that time, I was single, and pretty much didn’t know how to cook anything beyond pasta and vegetables. I am lucky, I live in New York City, and just went out to eat all the time. Then, I met my husband, who was also vegan, and we had a baby in August 2009. Little did we know, you can’t just go out all the time with a newborn – so, I started cooking at home. It wasn’t pretty. I didn’t know how to put a meal together or how to satisfy our palates.

While my son was napping, I watched cooking shows, read vegan cookbooks, and taught myself how to cook. I first started subbing tofu for light proteins and tempeh for heavier ones. Then I bought some nutritional yeast (nooch!) and started making cream from cashews. It got my creative juices flowing and became my project! I started this blog in March 2011 to keep track of my recipes, mark my progress and connect with like-minded people on the internet.

Now, all these years later, I have really come into my own. I actually know how to cook, having honed my skills over many meals. I took a basic cooking course at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City and I am the first ever graduate of the Rouxbe online cooking school which makes me a Certified Plant-Based Professional! Then, I decided to get a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell so I can officially answer the question, “but how do you get your protein?”

Yes, it can be a challenge to be vegan but who cares! Cooking is super fun and I know we are doing the right thing for our health, for the health and welfare of the animals and that of the planet. Plus, everyone who joins us for a meal leaves fully satisfied and with a handful of recipes. Secret: make amazing desserts!

Trust me, my recipes are easy. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t be in the kitchen at all. I am busy and you probably are too. So, I prep ahead, use fresh ingredients, and utilize my pantry and freezer. I write lots of cookbook reviews, some stories about my life, and post recipes twice or more a week. Get in touch if you have questions, get cooking and go vegan!




12 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I’m so glad I found your blog! I’ve been vegan for almost a year, but I’m such a lazy cook. I like to make meals that are quick and simple. A lot of the vegan recipes I make, however; are anything but quick and simple. But here you are with recipes that almost always take less than half an hour to make. I’m certainly going to follow you girl – you are just what this vegan ordered!

  2. Just found your blog through a YouTube video and I’m loving how easy you make it. I’m training for my first full marathon AND i have really bad food allergies which have kicked my health awareness up 10 notches. I’ve always gone back and forth about being vegetarian and now it’s all so clear to me and just makes so much more sense to be vegan, for so many reasons it means to not only me but the world around me as well. Thanks for sharing your heart and soul with us.

  3. I’m very glad to have found this blog. I clicked on it on a whim when it showed up in Recommended and instantly fell in love with it. I can’t tell you enough how much I value an easy 5-minute vegan recipe! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us non-cooking vegans. – Valentina of myveganvalentine.wordpress.com

  4. It is always a pleasure to find fellow bloggers who include animal welfare in their lifestyle. I am an ethical vegan and truly appreciate the wonderful, compassionate dishes that you share with us. ~Carmen (Vegan Heart blog)

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